One paper accepted to AAAI 2022!

Fast and Efficient MMD-based Fair PCA via Optimization over Stiefel Manifold

One paper (Fast and Efficient MMD-based Fair PCA via Optimization over Stiefel Manifold) is accepted to AAAI 2022! This is joint work with Gwangsu Kim and Chang D. Yoo (KAIST EE), Matt Olfat (UC Berkeley IEOR & Citadel), and Mark Hasegawa-Johnson (UIUC EE).

More details to come!

Update (12.08): AAAI 2022 goes full virtual…

Junghyun Lee
Junghyun Lee
PhD Student

PhD student at GSAI, KAIST, jointly advised by Prof. Se-Young Yun and Prof. Chulhee Yun. Interested in mathematical and theoretical AI, where I am interested in explaining the recent success of machine/deep learning algorithms and designing mathematically well-grounded algorithms for various scenarios.