I've successfully defended my MSc thesis!

Near-Optimal Clustering in Block Markov Decision Processes

I’ve successfully defended my MSc thesis, titled Near-Optimal Clustering in Block Markov Decision Processes! Special thanks to the thesis committee: Se-Young Yun, Chulhee Yun, and Kee-Eung Kim (KAIST AI).

Thesis as well as presentation file coming soon!

Junghyun Lee
Junghyun Lee
PhD Student

PhD student at GSAI, KAIST, jointly advised by Profs. Se-Young Yun and Chulhee Yun. Research focuses on interactive machine learning, particularly at the intersection of RLHF and preference learning, and statistical analyses of large networks, with an emphasis on community detection. Broadly interested in mathematical and theoretical AI and related problems in mathematics.