Our preprint on improved confidence set construction for (multinomial) logistic bandits now available on arXiv!

Improved Regret Bounds of (Multinomial) Logistic Bandits via Regret-to-Confidence-Set Conversion

Our preprint Improved Regret Bounds of (Multinomial) Logistic Bandits via Regret-to-Confidence-Set Conversion is now available on arXiv! (https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.18554) This is joint work with Kwang-Sung Jun (Univ. of Arizona CS) and Se-Young Yun (KAIST AI).

Junghyun Lee
Junghyun Lee
PhD Student

PhD student at GSAI, KAIST, jointly advised by Prof. Se-Young Yun and Prof. Chulhee Yun. Interested in mathematical and theoretical AI, where I am interested in explaining the recent success of machine/deep learning algorithms and designing mathematically well-grounded algorithms for various scenarios.