Querying Easily Flip-flopped Samples for Deep Active Learning


Active learning is a machine learning paradigm that aims to improve the performance of a model by strategically selecting and querying unlabeled data. One effective selection strategy is to base it on the model’s predictive uncertainty, which can be interpreted as a measure of how informative a sample is. The sample’s distance to the decision boundary is a natural measure of predictive uncertainty, but it is often intractable to compute, especially for complex decision boundaries formed in multiclass classification tasks. To address this issue, this paper proposes the least disagree metric (LDM), defined as the smallest probability of disagreement of the predicted label, and an estimator for LDM proven to be asymptotically consistent under mild assumptions. The estimator is computationally efficient and can be easily implemented for deep learning models using parameter perturbation. The LDM-based active learning is performed by querying unlabeled data with the smallest LDM. Experimental results show that our LDM-based active learning algorithm obtains state-of-the-art overall performance on all considered datasets and deep architectures.

In the 12th International Conference on Learning Representations

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Junghyun Lee
Junghyun Lee
PhD Student

PhD student at GSAI, KAIST, jointly advised by Profs. Se-Young Yun and Chulhee Yun. Research focuses on interactive machine learning, particularly at the intersection of RLHF and preference learning, and statistical analyses of large networks, with an emphasis on community detection. Broadly interested in mathematical and theoretical AI and related problems in mathematics.