A Primer on (Combinatorial) Bandits


Weekly OptiML Lab Group Meeting

Short summary

In this seminar, I will first introduce bandits, then move on to talk about a special class of bandits, called combinatorial (semi-)bandits, and even more specific example of it, namely, matroid bandits.


Papers and textbooks discussed in the seminar:

  • Tor Lattimore, Csaba Szepesvári. “Bandit Algorithms.” (Cambridge University Press) 2020.
  • Richard Combes, M. Sadegh Talebi, Alexandre Proutière, Marc Lelarge. “Combinatorial Bandits Revisited.” In NeurIPS 2015.
  • Branislav Kveton, Zheng Wen, Azin Ashkan, Hoda Eydgahi, Brian Eriksson. “Matroid Bandits: Fast Combinatorial Optimization with Learning.” In UAI 2014.